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24SF0411 – SMARTFORMS and ABAP Integration

Smartforms and ABAP integration is crucial for generating, customizing and printing forms in SAP systems. Smartforms allow you to design print layouts, while ABAP is used to control data retrieval and form processing. Here’s how they work together:

1. Creating and Designing Smartforms

  • In Transaction SMARTFORMS, you can design the layout, define the pages, windows and elements (text, tables, graphics, etc.) and set conditions for dynamic data display.
  • Smartforms are object-based, meaning you can easily control how the form appears without needing a separate script language.

2. Generating a Function Module for Execution

When you activate a Smartform, SAP generates a function module that can be called from an ABAP program. This function module is dynamically generated by SAP and it’s used to integrate the form with ABAP.

3. Calling Smartforms from ABAP

To integrate Smartforms with ABAP, you need to:

  • Retrieve and prepare data using ABAP logic.
  • Call the Smartform function module from your ABAP program.
  • Manage print settings and output control.

Basic Steps in ABAP for Calling a Smartform:

  1. Generate Smartform Function Module: Once you create the Smartform, activate it to generate an associated function module. You will use this function module to call the Smartform.
  2. Data Retrieval in ABAP: In the ABAP program, write the logic to retrieve data from tables or structures. This data will be passed to the Smartform.

    DATA: lt_customer_data TYPE TABLE OF zcustomer_data.

    SELECT * FROM zcustomer INTO TABLE lt_customer_data.

  3. Calling the Smartform’s Function Module: Call the generated function module to pass the data and trigger the form.


DATA: fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam.

“Get the Smartform function module name



    formname           = ‘ZSMARTFORM_NAME‘    ” Enter Smartform name here


    fm_name            = fm_name


    no_form            = 1

    no_function_module = 2

    OTHERS             = 3.


IF sy-subrc = 0.

  ” Call the function module to display the form



      control_parameters = control

      output_options     = output

      user_parameters    = user_param


      job_output_info    = job_output


      data_table         = lt_customer_data


      formatting_error   = 1

      internal_error     = 2

      send_error         = 3

      user_canceled      = 4

      OTHERS             = 5.



 4. Handling Output Options: Define the output control settings using SSFCTRLOP and SSFCOMPOP structures to specify how the form should be printed, emailed, or archived.

DATA: control  TYPE ssfctrlop,

output   TYPE ssfcompop.

control-no_open = ‘X’. “Avoiding multiple spool requests

output-tdnewid = ‘X’. “Generating a new spool request

output-tdimmed = ‘X’. “Immediate print

  5. Passing Data to the Form: Pass the data to the Smartform through the interface of the function module. You can pass multiple structures and internal tables to display them within the form.



control_parameters = control

output_options     = output

data_table         = lt_customer_data ” Passing data to Smartform


formatting_error   = 1

internal_error     = 2.

4. Form Output Options (Print, Email, or PDF)

You can control how the form is output—whether as a printed document, sent via email, or converted to PDF.

PDF Output Format:

To convert the Smartform output to PDF:

DATA: lt_pdf  TYPE TABLE OF tline,

pdf_len TYPE i.




format                = ‘PDF’


bin_filesize          = pdf_len


otf                   = job_output-otfdata

lines                 = lt_pdf


err_conv_not_possible = 1

OTHERS                = 2.

Email Output Example:

You can send the Smartform output as an email attachment using SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1.



    document_data     = doc_data

    put_in_outbox     = ‘X’


    packing_list      = packing_list

    object_header     = obj_head

    contents_bin      = pdf_content

    receivers         = rec_tab


    too_many_receivers = 1

    OTHERS            = 2.

5. Smartform Customization Using ABAP Logic

  • Dynamic Field Assignment: You can pass dynamic content or conditionally change the layout based on business requirements. For example, you can conditionally hide/show form sections or modify values of fields based on the data logic.
  • ABAP Debugging: You can debug the function module generated by Smartforms using standard ABAP debugging tools.

6. Using Smartstyles

Smartstyles are used to format the text in the Smartform (e.g., fonts, colors, etc.). These can be integrated by calling predefined styles within the form to maintain a consistent design.

7. Error Handling

Handle exceptions when calling the Smartform function module, such as formatting errors or print errors. You can capture and log these errors using ABAP exception handling.

IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  WRITE: ‘Error while generating the form’.


Example Flow:

  1. Retrieve data in ABAP (SELECT statements or BAPIs).
  2. Call the Smartform function module.
  3. Pass data to Smartform and manage output (print, PDF, email).
  4. Handle errors and exceptions in the ABAP program.

This integration provides flexibility in how data is displayed in Smartforms and enables efficient form management in SAP applications.

Author : Aniket Pawar, 9373518385  

24SF0411 – SMARTFORMS and ABAP Integration

Smartforms and ABAP integration is crucial for generating, customizing and printing forms in SAP systems. Smartforms allow you to design print layouts, while ABAP is used to control data retrieval and form processing. Here’s how they work together:

1. Creating and Designing Smartforms

  • In Transaction SMARTFORMS, you can design the layout, define the pages, windows and elements (text, tables, graphics, etc.) and set conditions for dynamic data display.
  • Smartforms are object-based, meaning you can easily control how the form appears without needing a separate script language.

2. Generating a Function Module for Execution

When you activate a Smartform, SAP generates a function module that can be called from an ABAP program. This function module is dynamically generated by SAP and it’s used to integrate the form with ABAP.

3. Calling Smartforms from ABAP

To integrate Smartforms with ABAP, you need to:

  • Retrieve and prepare data using ABAP logic.
  • Call the Smartform function module from your ABAP program.
  • Manage print settings and output control.

Basic Steps in ABAP for Calling a Smartform:

  1. Generate Smartform Function Module: Once you create the Smartform, activate it to generate an associated function module. You will use this function module to call the Smartform.
  2. Data Retrieval in ABAP: In the ABAP program, write the logic to retrieve data from tables or structures. This data will be passed to the Smartform.

    DATA: lt_customer_data TYPE TABLE OF zcustomer_data.

    SELECT * FROM zcustomer INTO TABLE lt_customer_data.

  3. Calling the Smartform’s Function Module: Call the generated function module to pass the data and trigger the form.


DATA: fm_name TYPE rs38l_fnam.

“Get the Smartform function module name



    formname           = ‘ZSMARTFORM_NAME‘    ” Enter Smartform name here


    fm_name            = fm_name


    no_form            = 1

    no_function_module = 2

    OTHERS             = 3.


IF sy-subrc = 0.

  ” Call the function module to display the form



      control_parameters = control

      output_options     = output

      user_parameters    = user_param


      job_output_info    = job_output


      data_table         = lt_customer_data


      formatting_error   = 1

      internal_error     = 2

      send_error         = 3

      user_canceled      = 4

      OTHERS             = 5.



 4. Handling Output Options: Define the output control settings using SSFCTRLOP and SSFCOMPOP structures to specify how the form should be printed, emailed, or archived.

DATA: control  TYPE ssfctrlop,

output   TYPE ssfcompop.

control-no_open = ‘X’. “Avoiding multiple spool requests

output-tdnewid = ‘X’. “Generating a new spool request

output-tdimmed = ‘X’. “Immediate print

  5. Passing Data to the Form: Pass the data to the Smartform through the interface of the function module. You can pass multiple structures and internal tables to display them within the form.



control_parameters = control

output_options     = output

data_table         = lt_customer_data ” Passing data to Smartform


formatting_error   = 1

internal_error     = 2.

4. Form Output Options (Print, Email, or PDF)

You can control how the form is output—whether as a printed document, sent via email, or converted to PDF.

PDF Output Format:

To convert the Smartform output to PDF:

DATA: lt_pdf  TYPE TABLE OF tline,

pdf_len TYPE i.




format                = ‘PDF’


bin_filesize          = pdf_len


otf                   = job_output-otfdata

lines                 = lt_pdf


err_conv_not_possible = 1

OTHERS                = 2.

Email Output Example:

You can send the Smartform output as an email attachment using SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1.



    document_data     = doc_data

    put_in_outbox     = ‘X’


    packing_list      = packing_list

    object_header     = obj_head

    contents_bin      = pdf_content

    receivers         = rec_tab


    too_many_receivers = 1

    OTHERS            = 2.

5. Smartform Customization Using ABAP Logic

  • Dynamic Field Assignment: You can pass dynamic content or conditionally change the layout based on business requirements. For example, you can conditionally hide/show form sections or modify values of fields based on the data logic.
  • ABAP Debugging: You can debug the function module generated by Smartforms using standard ABAP debugging tools.

6. Using Smartstyles

Smartstyles are used to format the text in the Smartform (e.g., fonts, colors, etc.). These can be integrated by calling predefined styles within the form to maintain a consistent design.

7. Error Handling

Handle exceptions when calling the Smartform function module, such as formatting errors or print errors. You can capture and log these errors using ABAP exception handling.

IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  WRITE: ‘Error while generating the form’.


Example Flow:

  1. Retrieve data in ABAP (SELECT statements or BAPIs).
  2. Call the Smartform function module.
  3. Pass data to Smartform and manage output (print, PDF, email).
  4. Handle errors and exceptions in the ABAP program.

This integration provides flexibility in how data is displayed in Smartforms and enables efficient form management in SAP applications.

Author : Aniket Pawar, 9373518385