
What We Are Offering

Positive senior leader Explaining about SAP Training and certification flow

Duration: 6 Months


3 Months Theoretical Training

(As per Certification Syllabus)


2 month Practicle Training On Dummy System


One Month On Live Project



Experts and Certified Trainers.


Real Time Experience.


Live Server Based.

Live project explosion

Learn both Conceptual Knowledge and Practically.

100% Job assistance

We provide 100% placement guarantee with skillset.

SAP Training and courses interview

Interview preparation

Practice on Common Interview Questions, Mock interviews, prepare for technical questions

Certification with Preparation


Check SAP Certification Policies

The number of attempts allowed for an SAP certification can vary based on the specific certification and the policies set by SAP or the certification provider. Some certifications may allow multiple attempts, while others may have stricter limitations.


Preparation is Key

Before attempting the certification, make sure you are well-prepared. SAP certifications are known for their difficulty, and adequate preparation is crucial to passing. Consider enrolling in SAP training courses, using study materials and gaining practical experience.


Diagnostic Exams

Many SAP certification providers Offer diagnostic exams or practice tests. These can help you gauge your readiness and identify areas where you need improvement.


Review Exam Feedback

If you fail an exam, review the feedback provided by the certification provider. This feedback can help you understand where you went wrong and What areas you need to focus on for your next attempt.


study Plan

Create a structured study plan that covers all the topics and objectives Of the certification exam. Allocate sufficient time for each area and stick to your schedule.


Seek Help

If you're struggling to pass after multiple attempts, consider seeking help from SAP professionals, mentors or trainers who can provide guidance and support.


Stay Positive and Persistent

Failing an exam can be discouraging, but it's essential to Stay positive and persistent. Use each attempt as a learning opportunity and a chance to improve.


Time Between Attempts

Some SAP certifications may have waiting periods between attempts. Be aware of these policies and use the time wisely to strengthen your knowledge.


Exam Strategy

Develop a strategy for taking the exam. Read questions carefully, manage your time effectively and don't spend too much time on one question if you're unsure. You can always come back to it later.


Retake Only When Ready

Don't rush into retaking the exam. Wait until you are confident in your preparation and understanding of the material.

Certification Support


Official SAP Training and Certification Website

The official SAP website provides comprehensive information about SAP certification programs, including available certifications, exam details and study materials.



SAP Training and Certification


SAP Learning Hub

SAP Learning Hub is an online learning platform that offers a vast range of training materials, including e-books, courses and hands-on practice labs. It's a valuable resource for exam preparation.


Study Materials

There are various SAP certification books, online courses, and study guides available. Consider using these resources to supplement your knowledge and exam preparation.


Practice Exams

Practice exams or sample questions that mimic the actual certification test can help you assess your readiness and identify areas where you need improvement.


Mentorship and Coaching

Connect with experienced SAP professionals who can serve as mentors or coaches. They can offer guidance, share their experiences and help you prepare effectively.


peer Study Groups

Form or join study groups with peers who are also pursuing SAP certification. Collaborative learning can be effective for exam preparation.


Consult SAP Documentation

Utilize Official SAP documentation, whitepapers, and product manuals to gain in-depth knowledge of SAP solutions.


Exam Readiness Assessment

Consider taking an exam readiness assessment or practice exam to gauge your preparedness.


Time Management and Exam Strategy

Develop a study plan, allocate time to each topic and strategize for the exam, including time management during the test.

Certification Enrollment


Choose the SAP Certification

Visit the official SAP Training and Certification website to explore the available certifications and their details. Review the certification paths and select the one that aligns with your career goals and expertise.


Create an SAP Account:

If you don't already have one, create an account on the SAP Training and Certification website. You will need this account to register for the certification.


Complete Prerequisites (if any)

Some SAP certifications may have prerequisites, such as completing specific training courses or having relevant work experience. Ensure you meet these requirements before proceeding.


Select a Training Option (Optional)

SAP Offers training courses that are designed to prepare you for certification exams. You can choose to enroll in these courses if you feel they would be beneficial for your preparation.


Register for the Certification Exam

Log in to your SAP Training and Certification account. Browse the certification catalog and select the specific certification exam you want to take. Follow the registration process, which may include providing personal information and payment details. Pay the exam fee. Prices can vary depending on the certification.


Receive Confirmation

After registering, you should receive a confirmation email with details about your exam, including the exam date, time and location (if it's an in-person exam).


Prepare for the Exam

Start your exam preparation by studying the relevant SAP documentation, training materials and resources. Consider enrolling in SAP training courses or using SAP Learning Hub for additional study materials and practice exams.


Schedule the Exam (if required)

Depending on the certification and exam format, you may need to schedule your exam appointment. This is often the case for in- person exams. For online proctored exams. you may be able to choose a date and time within a specific window.


Exam Day Preparation

Ensure you have all necessary identification and materials required for the exam. If it's an online proctored exam, make sure your computer, internet connection and testing environment meet the technical requirements.


Take the Exam

Start your exam preparation by studying the relevant SAP dcEumentation, training materials and resources. Consider enrolling in SAP training courses or using SAP Learning Hub for additional Study materials and practice exams.


Receive Exam Results

Depending on the certification and exam format, you may need to schedule your exam appointment, This is often the case for in- person exams, For online proctored exams, you may be able to choose a date and time within a specific window.


Certification Badge and Certificate

Ensure you have all necessary identification and materials required for the exam. If it's an online proctored exam, make sure your computer, internet connection and testing environment meet the technical requirements.

Personality Development



Understand your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs. This forms the foundation of personality development.



Believe in yourself and your abilities. Confidence is attractive and helps you succeed in various aspects of life.


Emotional intelligence

Develop the ability to recognize, understand and manage your own emotions and those of others. This enhances your interpersonal skills.



Be open to change and willing to learn from new experiences. A flexible personality is more resilient and better at coping with challenges.



Maintain a positive attitude even in difficult situations. Optimism can improve your overall well-being and attract positive interactions.



Try to understand the feelings and perspectives of others. Empathy fosters better relationships and effective communication.


Effective time management

Organize your time efficiently to achieve your goals and reduce stress.


Conflict resolution

Learn how to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner. This skill is valuable in both personal and professional settings.


Continuous learning

Keep acquiring new knowledge and skills to stay relevant and grow as a person.



Build a strong network of relationships with people who can support your personal and professional development.

Communication Skills


Active listening

Pay full attention to the speaker, ask clarifying questions and provide feedback to demonstrate your engagement.



Express your thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely. Avoid jargon or overly complex language.


Non-verbal communication

Be aware of your body language, facial expressions and gestures. These play a significant role in communication.



Understand the emotions and perspectives of others to communicate effectively with them.


Conflict resolution

Learn to navigate conflicts through constructive communication. Focus on the issue, not personal attacks.



Express your opinions, needs and boundaries confidently without being aggressive or passive.



Tailor your communication style to your audience. Effective communicators can adjust their approach based on the situation and the people involved.



Be open to receiving and giving feedback. Constructive feedback helps improve communication and relationships.



Use storytelling to convey information and engage your audience. Stories can make complex ideas more relatable.


Public speaking

Develop the ability to speak confidently in front of an audience. Practice and preparation are key to success in this area.

SAP Expert Session


Advanced Configuration and Customization

Expert sessions often delve deep into the configuration and customization options within SAP applications. This includes advanced settings, parameterization and adapting SAP to specific business needs.


Integration and Interoperability

Understanding how SAP systems can be integrated with other enterprise systems, both SAP and non-SAP, is a key aspect of expert sessions. Topics might cover middleware, API integration, and data exchange.


Performance Optimization

Optimizing the performance of SAP systems is critical for large enterprises. Expert sessions might cover techniques for tuning SAP applications, managing databases efficiently and improving system response times.


Security and Compliance

Security is a paramount concern in SAP environments. Expert sessions may address advanced security measures, role-based access control, data encryption and compliance with industry standards and regulations.


Advanced Reporting and Analytics

Learn to create complex reports and analytical dashboards using SAP Business Intelligence (Bl) tools. This could involve working with SAP BW (Business Warehouse), SAP HANA or other reporting solutions.


SAP Upgrades and Migrations

Expert sessions may cover strategies for upgrading SAP systems to newer versions or migrating from on-premises solutions to cloud-based platforms. This includes best practices, risk assessment and project planning.


Advanced Data Modeling

If the session is related to SAP HANA, you might learn about advanced data modeling techniques, including designing and optimizing data models for high-performance analytics.


SAP Fiori and user Experience (UX)

Understanding how to design and develop user-friendly SAP Fiori applications for a modern and intuitive user experience could be a focus in some expert sessions.


SAP Development

For technical professionals, expert sessions may delve into advanced SAP development topics, such as custom ABAP programming, SAPU15 development or SAP Cloud Platform development.


Industry-Specific Solutions

Some sessions may focus on industry- specific SAP solutions, like SAP for Utilities, SAP for Healthcare or SAP for Retail. These sessions provide specialized knowledge for professionals in those sectors.


Advanced Troubleshooting and Support

Learn how to diagnose and resolve complex issues in SAP systems. This may include troubleshooting techniques, debugging and advanced support tools.


Best Practices and Case Studies

Expert sessions often include real-world case studies and best practices from industry experts, providing valuable insights into how other organizations have successfully implemented SAP solutions.

Business Experts Guides


Business Plan

what is business plan, how it works.


Team Building

How to change and maintain a talented and motivated team.



build a strong professional network to gain insights and opportunities.


Customer Focus

Prioritize customer satisfaction and build strong customer relationships.



Be agile and adaptable to changing market conditions.


Dummy system for theoretical practical

We Provide SAP System for practice.